Please note; This page is still in progress. The below will be transferred to "Siblings-Revival" book two page.
book one list is on the "Siblings" sub-page.
Aaron Crabben: Works at Scangentech- DNA records.
Adam Hisdak: Lead for P2P project.
Adam Hisdak Jr.: One of Adam and Mel's twins.
Ahmed Benoit: Works in Paris pizza parlor.
Aida Ellis: Works at Swiss lodge/ in love with Kristor.
Adelphi, Nancy: Reception nurse at Quebec hospital.
Albert Spraten: Used to work for Morgans, dated Alice.
Alessio Giuldelpo: Italian truck driver & Jenek's brother-in-law.
Alphi Dupolous: Greek tour director.
Alice Morgan: Daughter of Edgar & Suzanna Morgan, Sophie's sister, loves Jack.
Amber Chedaux: One of Sophie's teenage twin cousins.
Amy Bonhomme: Tony's daughter.
Ana Martinson: Kidnapped 10 years ago at age 5 from Scangentech & raised by Leona in Brazil.
Andrea Cottsmouth: In photo with Dr. Erikson.
Anne Wilson: Jack's Mother.